

Comansa Supports Cable Camera System in Beijing Winter Olympics


The cameras used to record and broadcast the Winter Olympic Games held in Beijing were installed on Comansa towers.


The Comansa international tower crane photography competition has been a success


The 1st Comansa Tower Crane Photography Competition has come to an end and we are delighted with the results. With more than 100 photographs of our tower cranes in action, the entrants have presented us with some true works of art and very interesting construction projects.


Comansa is organising an international tower crane photography contest


Presenting the 1st Comansa Tower Crane Photography Contest, as a tribute to the operators, assemblers, constructors and all those who work day in, day out to turn construction projects around the world into reality. 


3D tower crane models for BIM systems


Comansa offers 3D models of its tower cranes for BIM (Building Information Modelling) systems. Thanks to this modelling technology, our clients can illustrate and simulate full construction, maintenance and even dismantling processes for all kinds of buildings and infrastructure, and they can also include crane specifications. This translates to improved process optimisation and enhanced productivity.


Comansa at the Cranes Today Tower Crane Conference: PPVC


Comansa recently took part in the virtual conference on tower cranes organised by the specialist magazine Cranes Today. We were represented by our sales director, Eleazar Raya, who talked about tower cranes’ involvement in PPVC.


Joseph Patton joins Comansa


Joseph will be part of the North American team as Sales Manager and brings experience in the lifting business

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