Messen und Events

Messen und Events

Comansa to launch 2 new luffing-jib cranes at Bauma China


The shown model will be the CML310 24t crane, which shares most of the slewing part with the new CML280 18t

Messen und Events

Meeting the North American crane industry


Comansa will attend the SC&RA Crane & Rigging Workshop, to take place by the end of September in Louisville, KY, USA.

Messen und Events

Comansa keeps growing in Emirates


We exhibited at the Big 5 Heavy show in Dubai along with dealer Aremates, one of the main tower crane rental companies in the country

Messen und Events

Comansa, at the SC&RA annual conference


The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association is an international trade association whose members are involved in crane and rigging operations, manufacturing and rental, machinery moving and erecting, etc.

Messen und Events

The tower crane industry, to meet in Miami


Comansa will be attending the main tower crane event in North America in June, showing its wide range of products and services

Messen und Events

Comansa will be exhibiting at the Big 5 Heavy trade fair in Dubai


We will be showcasing the 16CM260 12t flat-top crane, one of the most popular models in the United Arab Emirates, together with our dealer AREMATES.

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