16LC220 Flat-Top Crane

  • Umfang: 213.3 ft
  • Spitzenlast: 4 740 lb + 10% with PowerLift
  • Maximale Last: 22 050 or 26 460 lb, depending on the version

The 16LC220 crane comes in two versions with maximum loads of 22 050 or 26 460 lb. It has the same reach as the 16LC185, but its jib-end load is bigger, with more than 4 700 lb at 213.3 ft of radius. Like all Comansa’s Flat-Top Cranes, this model comes standard equipped with the PowerLift system, giving it a jib-end load of 5 200 lb at slower speeds.

With its two-metre tower section, this crane can be assembled on a 4.5 or 6 metre folding cross base to reach more than 174 or 211 ft of free-standing height, respectively.

Like all the cranes in the 1600 Series, the 16LC220 model features frequency control in slewing, trolley and hoist movements, with additional safety thanks to smooth load handling and movement.

Technische Merkmale

  Maximum load Reach Jib-end load Technical
data sheet
Normal PowerLift
16LC220-DT10t 22 050 lb 213,3 ft    
16LC220-RC10t 22 050 lb 213,3 ft 4 740 lb 5 200 lb
16LC220-DT12t 26 460 lb 213,3 ft    
16LC220-RC12t 26 460 lb 213,3 ft 4 740 lb 5 200 lb


  • DT (Double Trolley) Double Trolley + Single Trolley version with automatic reeving change
  • RC (Reeving Change) Single Trolley, with manual change of reeving
  • ST (Single Trolley) Single trolley, with fixed reeving, no change


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